3 min read

Terralysia is coming to Early Access tomorrow

Terralysia is coming to Early Access tomorrow

Terralysia is coming to Early Access tomorrow! Very exciting times and I hope you’re looking forward to it as well.

I’ve worked hard to make this initial build enjoyable but there is much more content to come. Here’s a brief list of major updates planned. Please keep in mind that any of this may change, especially once I hear more of your feedback.

Don’t forget to join the Discord and let me know what else you’d like to see added.

Join the Tiny Game Dev Discord Server!
Official Discord server of Tiny Game Dev, creators of Terralysia | 149 members

Bug fixing and minor updates

I’ve done my best, but no doubt there will be issues to fix. The first priority will be to stabilize the build as much as possible so everyone can enjoy it. Once this is done, I’d love to hear your suggestions on how to improve the game. The community has been awesome and many of your ideas have already been implemented. I’m looking forward to more feedback, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

New meta progression system

I know, I know. The game is difficult and grindy. This will be fixed. I have already started work on a new progression system that gives the player more flexibility in what spells and items to unlock and when. Stay tuned for more info soon.

Session mod system

Session mods are a new system I have been designing to add the ability to modify the experience, optionally. You will be able to earn, discover, and unlock session mods throughout the game. These mods can be toggled on or off and each mod will change how the game behaves. There might be a mod to turn off ragdolling for example, which I suspect some of you might feel is a good idea.

In-map events

The maps are large and fairly empty now, at least as far as dynamic events go. The plan is to introduce a system that adds random points of interest to fill the space with additional experiences. The idea is young and may change between now and release, but there will be something to populate the maps further.

More of everything!

Four new maps are planned, each with their own hand-crafted objective chains, new monsters, bosses, spells, and items to unlock and discover. Additionally, new lore and story nuggets will be introduced, and at least one new playable character will be added. Perhaps more characters will come, but we shall see how things are received.

Terralysia on Steam
In the vibrant realm of Terralysia lurk relentless enemies. Brace yourself for grueling missions, endless onslaughts, and formidable bosses in this third-person roguelike. Use the right strategy and spells to survive a bit longer, but be warned, as you grow in strength, so do your enemies.

I am very excited for Terralysia to come out and the new future content to be released. I hope you will join me on this journey.